Hey all,
It is hard for me to believe that this week was half term. Teaching Yr6 means that there is no such thing as a holiday until the SAT's are done ... :( I spent the week marking / assesing 180 test papers and STILL have to complete a results chart). I marked my final paper last night at 8pm!
To celebrate, sort of, I attended a reunion with my long time girlfriends to celebrate a 39th birthday, my oldest (longest friendship) of 33 years ... SNM! it was a good night, lots of pics and great music (our music)! I breezed in at dawn and awoke my lovely eldest son up off the sofa to go to his bed!
Needless to say I am absolutely shattered, All I could manage for the whole day was a long shower and hair wash, and I mean loooong! Yes I said HAIR WASH!
Last Tuesday I had my ninth retight ... Liz told me she would be having the next training session in April and that I could attend ...
Prior to that, I notice a change in my locks, a big change. they are and feel fuller, thicker, longer and a large percentage LOC'D!!!! yeah I said it! Loc'd! Loc'd, Loc'd, Loc'd!!!!! at last! ( big smile!)
Now I know my hair, the minute I mention the word, it begins to unravel and do the opposite to what I said. BUT I don't care! No matter what happens I will carry on retightening and go on and on, and if all I achieve is a mass of half sisterlock, half curly hair then that is ALL GOOD to me, at least it is my NATURAL hair and I love it either way and there will be no turning back!
Things I have done differently over the last month, ummm ... slept one night without covering my locs ( found it irritating ) No braidouts at all, wash at 5 weeks. Actually, I don't miss regular hair washes anymore!
Loc's are a law to themselves, I had a retight and I thought that my hair would shrink once washed, It hasn't, it literally appears longer today than yesterday! Yes I did some pics, but decided to leave them until my 9th ... next Sunday, maybe.
My friends have commented on how much my hair has grown, I have had a couple of fingers at work wanting to 'cop a feel' and play with my curls, and even Mizz C with the long traditionals, confessed to feeling a little loc envy one Sunday in church! (smile)
There is something so free and liberating about being loc'd. I love the process and the progress.
Skin deep issues ...
Many people may not agree with me as we are all different, and maybe my body is changing and my hormones too.
However, I truly believe that loc'ing my hair has healed my acne problem, I know it is not just the use of African Black soap, even though it has helped to heal my skin.
Those hair products that I would use, shampoos, hair oils, chemical treatments, weaves and braids, I feel, have been a major contributor.
In the last 2 months, I have also not had one single 'hormonal' breakout, which is normally a sign of the onset of my cycle ... so was it really hormonal? or was there something else contributing? I know I cannot prove it, but I know how I feel and what I see ... I may have been reacting to something I no longer use.
as mentioned before in my blog I have batttled for many years with my skin, the last year being the worst. I know that stress has been a major issue for me during that time, but that has not been the main factor.
A general thank you to all of you out there who show an interest and find my journey interesting or useful, please leave a comment as your opinion is valued :)
Saturday, 20 February 2010
"...the troubled waters of life. Craig Oliver, 2 of 5 Elizabeth Baptist Church"
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Sunday, 7 February 2010
GMWA & Eugene Cole singing Patrick Bradley's He's Just That Kind of God"
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Friday, 5 February 2010
Eliminating Doubt
Friday, February 05, 2010 Print Article
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Apostle Gina Prince
Eliminating doubt is a battle of the mind. We have to remain steadfast and unmovable in the word of God. This is a season of elevation and more of God's impartation.
Allow the Lord to transform your thought process. Know that God is merciful and its by grace that we are saved. Remember doubting Thomas? When Jesus came back on the scene and showed Himself to the disciples, there was one who openly said I would have to put my hands into His hand print and see Him with my very own eyes before I believe ( John 20:23-28).
When Jesus stood in front of Thomas, Thomas was amazed at His presence, he was in awe. Jesus then honored his request and left Him with these words, blessed are those who believed without seeing me (John 20:29). We have to line up with the word of God and believe who He is. We have to believe in His promises. The word says to lay down EVERYTHING, not something's, but EVERYTHING that exalts itself against the word of God (2 Corinthians 10:5).
We must not allow the spirit of doubt to hinder us from seeing the great moves of God. Everything God does is great! He works all things out for the good, for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). He says to cast your cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7). What are you believing Him for today? What is it you are in need of today? He said in His word He will supply all of our need ( Philippians 4:19). Are you questioning His love for you? He said in His word , He loves us so much , He gave up His only begotten Son (John 3:16). Never doubt the love of The Father. He said nothing would separate his love from us (Romans 8:35-39).
Doubt can cause you to be stagnated and unable to move with the flow of the Holy Spirit. You must believe God is more then able to equip you as He advances you. There is nothing too hard for Him. Daily time seeking Him will allow you to grow and to learn more about His Sovereignty and His truths. Prayer, worship, and meditating on His word will expand your belief in Him. Remember He is a Father that can not lie, He is of truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth. The enemy is the liar, stop listening to his lies, choose to believe The Lord. He will reward all of your efforts.
Seek the Kingdom of God and all things will be added onto you (Matthew 6:33). Make a choice to believe the word of God, believe Him, and believe in His promises. You must believe in who He says He is and that He rewards them that diligently seek Him. Fear is the root of doubt. The bible says the Lord did not give us the spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). We have to tap into the well of hope and not allow the enemy to place doubt in our circumstances. Instead of doubting try rejoicing.
Train yourself to give thanks in the midst of the situation. Gather your thoughts and allow God to bring a calm to your spirit, so that you may be able to see things the way God sees it. The enemy's job is to stir you up with fear to cause doubt so that he can hinder your potential. Don't allow him to do it any longer. Tell the devil he is a liar and doubt is not your portion but confidence in The Lord is.
Today celebrate your trust and hope in Him who has kept you for such a time as this. This is a new day, let's call it a rebirthing of your faith. Time is ticking and the time is now. Make up your mind to be blessed by His abundance and don't let doubt or anything else stop you.
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Apostle Gina Prince
Eliminating doubt is a battle of the mind. We have to remain steadfast and unmovable in the word of God. This is a season of elevation and more of God's impartation.
Allow the Lord to transform your thought process. Know that God is merciful and its by grace that we are saved. Remember doubting Thomas? When Jesus came back on the scene and showed Himself to the disciples, there was one who openly said I would have to put my hands into His hand print and see Him with my very own eyes before I believe ( John 20:23-28).
When Jesus stood in front of Thomas, Thomas was amazed at His presence, he was in awe. Jesus then honored his request and left Him with these words, blessed are those who believed without seeing me (John 20:29). We have to line up with the word of God and believe who He is. We have to believe in His promises. The word says to lay down EVERYTHING, not something's, but EVERYTHING that exalts itself against the word of God (2 Corinthians 10:5).
We must not allow the spirit of doubt to hinder us from seeing the great moves of God. Everything God does is great! He works all things out for the good, for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). He says to cast your cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7). What are you believing Him for today? What is it you are in need of today? He said in His word He will supply all of our need ( Philippians 4:19). Are you questioning His love for you? He said in His word , He loves us so much , He gave up His only begotten Son (John 3:16). Never doubt the love of The Father. He said nothing would separate his love from us (Romans 8:35-39).
Doubt can cause you to be stagnated and unable to move with the flow of the Holy Spirit. You must believe God is more then able to equip you as He advances you. There is nothing too hard for Him. Daily time seeking Him will allow you to grow and to learn more about His Sovereignty and His truths. Prayer, worship, and meditating on His word will expand your belief in Him. Remember He is a Father that can not lie, He is of truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth. The enemy is the liar, stop listening to his lies, choose to believe The Lord. He will reward all of your efforts.
Seek the Kingdom of God and all things will be added onto you (Matthew 6:33). Make a choice to believe the word of God, believe Him, and believe in His promises. You must believe in who He says He is and that He rewards them that diligently seek Him. Fear is the root of doubt. The bible says the Lord did not give us the spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). We have to tap into the well of hope and not allow the enemy to place doubt in our circumstances. Instead of doubting try rejoicing.
Train yourself to give thanks in the midst of the situation. Gather your thoughts and allow God to bring a calm to your spirit, so that you may be able to see things the way God sees it. The enemy's job is to stir you up with fear to cause doubt so that he can hinder your potential. Don't allow him to do it any longer. Tell the devil he is a liar and doubt is not your portion but confidence in The Lord is.
Today celebrate your trust and hope in Him who has kept you for such a time as this. This is a new day, let's call it a rebirthing of your faith. Time is ticking and the time is now. Make up your mind to be blessed by His abundance and don't let doubt or anything else stop you.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
S F Daily Devotional - Eliminatimg Doubt
I Had to re. post this article on this page even though it is on simply me ... Let God be God ...!
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
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Rhonda Dent
Sometimes it seem like it takes a very long time for the things that we are trusting God for to happen. We began to get anxious and even doubtful. When we deal with other people it is understandable that we might have doubt because we are dealing with human beings who are just doing the best that they possibly can. With God and His promises there is no reason to doubt.
God has done and will do everything He said He would do and more. When things do not happen as soon as we would like them to or when we have waited as long as we think we should or when that break through takes time we can find ourselves in doubt. We get anxious and wonder where God is or if He heard our prayers. All sorts of things enter into our mind and the wait seems endless. We try to be patient, but it seems as if it is taking forever.
We often ask, "When God...When?" Often in my life as I prayed about certain things I have felt so anxious, even impatient at times. Sometimes to the point of saying, "Will this thing ever happen?" Other times asking, "Did I hear God clearly?" "Did I get my signals crossed?"
Then I began to doubt and question what I thought I knew. At other times I tried to work it out myself and just got in God's way. It is hard to be patient and wait, especially in today's world filled with instant gratification. However, we must be like Abraham who had the faith to believe that God would do what He promised. The Bible tells us that Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform (Romans 4: 20-21, KJV.)
I remember as a young girl listening to older believers talk about the importance of 'knowing' something. I never could understand why people in church insisted that you 'know that you know that you know' something (followed by a head shake). At the time I had no idea what in the world they were talking about. I just knew that they believed what they were saying. But now I know and can relate to what they were saying.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) that God is in control.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) He will do just what He said.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) He may not come when you want, but He is right on time.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) He is all knowing.
That head shake was eliminating any doubt! That head shake meant that they were fully persuaded that God would do just what He said. Instead of doubting and/or being anxious and getting in God's way let's wait patiently and realize that everything is in God's timing.
God's timing is perfect because everything about God is perfect. We need to get to the point where we do not want anything outside of His timing. If you are waiting on God for anything, wait patiently and He will bring you to that expected end.
Eliminate any doubt in your mind and be fully persuaded that God is not slack on His promises.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
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Rhonda Dent
Sometimes it seem like it takes a very long time for the things that we are trusting God for to happen. We began to get anxious and even doubtful. When we deal with other people it is understandable that we might have doubt because we are dealing with human beings who are just doing the best that they possibly can. With God and His promises there is no reason to doubt.
God has done and will do everything He said He would do and more. When things do not happen as soon as we would like them to or when we have waited as long as we think we should or when that break through takes time we can find ourselves in doubt. We get anxious and wonder where God is or if He heard our prayers. All sorts of things enter into our mind and the wait seems endless. We try to be patient, but it seems as if it is taking forever.
We often ask, "When God...When?" Often in my life as I prayed about certain things I have felt so anxious, even impatient at times. Sometimes to the point of saying, "Will this thing ever happen?" Other times asking, "Did I hear God clearly?" "Did I get my signals crossed?"
Then I began to doubt and question what I thought I knew. At other times I tried to work it out myself and just got in God's way. It is hard to be patient and wait, especially in today's world filled with instant gratification. However, we must be like Abraham who had the faith to believe that God would do what He promised. The Bible tells us that Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform (Romans 4: 20-21, KJV.)
I remember as a young girl listening to older believers talk about the importance of 'knowing' something. I never could understand why people in church insisted that you 'know that you know that you know' something (followed by a head shake). At the time I had no idea what in the world they were talking about. I just knew that they believed what they were saying. But now I know and can relate to what they were saying.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) that God is in control.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) He will do just what He said.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) He may not come when you want, but He is right on time.
I know that I know that I know (head shake) He is all knowing.
That head shake was eliminating any doubt! That head shake meant that they were fully persuaded that God would do just what He said. Instead of doubting and/or being anxious and getting in God's way let's wait patiently and realize that everything is in God's timing.
God's timing is perfect because everything about God is perfect. We need to get to the point where we do not want anything outside of His timing. If you are waiting on God for anything, wait patiently and He will bring you to that expected end.
Eliminate any doubt in your mind and be fully persuaded that God is not slack on His promises.
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