My Absence.
I was unable to update my blog due to work constraints, (Observations for those in the know) and finally I am free at last ... free at last, and I truly do thank God that I am free at last! LOL!
No, work is not over yet, but half term is looming :D yaay! And we are embarking on the final stretch 6 exact weeks and then the end of another school year!
3 ... Three wonderful years of absolute hair freedom, with the exception of my addiction. I have always loved water, especially on my head!Yes I am an addict, a shampoo addict. I confess.
Well this is me on 27th May. I need to Reti so will just let you peruse a few pics, have not taken many lately, and I will report back when my grid is back in order.
THANK YOU ALL for your viewing, comments and support.
My faithful cyber friends for using this blog, it is specifically for your information. please do not copy any images. Its just not very nice!